Terms and Conditions

Table of Contents:

Article 1 - Definitions
Article 2 - Identity of the entrepreneur
Article 3 - Applicability
Article 4 - The offer
Article 5 - The agreement
Article 6 - Right of withdrawal
Article 7 - Delivery and execution

Article 1 - Definitions
In these terms and conditions the following definitions apply:

Ancillary contract: a contract whereby the consumer acquires products, digital content and/or services in connection with a distance contract and these products, digital content and/or services are supplied by the trader or by a third party on the basis of an agreement between that third party and the trader;
Consumer: the natural person who is not acting for purposes related to his trade, business, craft or profession;
Day: calendar day;
Digital content: data produced and delivered in digital form;
Durable medium: any tool - including e-mail - that enables the consumer or entrepreneur to store information that is addressed to him personally, in a way that allows future consultation or use for a period appropriate to the purpose for which the information is intended, and which allows the unaltered reproduction of the stored information;
Right of withdrawal: the possibility for the consumer to waive the distance contract within the cooling-off period;
Entrepreneur: the natural or legal person who offers products, (access to) digital content and/or services to consumers from a distance;
Distance contract: an agreement between the entrepreneur and the consumer in the context of an organized system for distance selling of products, digital content and / or services, whereby to the conclusion of the agreement exclusive or partial use of one or more means of distance communication;

Article 2 - Identity of the entrepreneur
Name of the entrepreneur: JMDJ Beheer BV
Establishment address:
Molenstraat 18A
2513 BK The Hague

Contact: info@nftmerchantsguild.com

On working days between 10.00 - 17.00 hours (CET)

KvK number: 27285845
VAT number: NL815553110B01

Article 3 - Applicability
These general conditions apply to any offer from the entrepreneur and any agreement reached at a distance between entrepreneur and consumer.
Before the remote agreement is concluded, the text of these general conditions will be made available to the consumer. If this is not reasonably possible, the entrepreneur will indicate, before the remote agreement is concluded, how the general conditions can be viewed at the entrepreneur and that they will be sent free of charge as soon as possible at the consumer's request.
If the distance contract is concluded electronically, then, contrary to the previous paragraph, and before the distance contract is concluded, the text of these general conditions may be made available to the consumer electronically in such a way that the consumer can easily store them on a durable data carrier. If this is not reasonably possible, before the distance contract is concluded, it will be indicated where the general conditions can be consulted electronically and that they will be sent to the consumer free of charge, at his request, either electronically or in another way.
In case specific product or service conditions apply in addition to these general conditions, the second and third paragraphs shall apply mutatis mutandis and the consumer can always invoke the applicable provision that is most favorable to him in case of conflicting conditions.

Article 4 - The offer
If an offer has a limited duration or is made subject to conditions, this will be explicitly stated in the offer.
The offer contains a complete and accurate description of the products, digital content and/or services offered. The description is sufficiently detailed to enable the consumer to make a proper assessment of the offer. If the entrepreneur uses images, these are a true reflection of the products, services and / or digital content offered. Obvious mistakes or obvious errors in the offer will not bind the entrepreneur.
Each offer contains such information that it is clear to the consumer what rights and obligations are attached to accepting the offer.
When you purchase the offer you have automatically given permission to be listed at the top of the website. If you do not want this, you have the right to have this removed/not included. Simply contact us via mitchel@hippiemiljonair.nl.

Article 5 - The agreement
The agreement is subject to the provisions of paragraph 4, concluded at the time of acceptance by the consumer of the offer and meet the associated conditions.
If the consumer has accepted the offer electronically, the trader will immediately confirm receipt of electronic acceptance of the offer. As long as the receipt of this acceptance has not been confirmed by the entrepreneur, the consumer may dissolve the agreement.
If the agreement is created electronically, the entrepreneur will take appropriate technical and organizational measures to secure the electronic transmission of data and will ensure a secure web environment. If the consumer can pay electronically, the entrepreneur will take appropriate security measures.

Article 6 - Right of withdrawal
The right of withdrawal expires prematurely in the case of delivery of digital content not supplied on a tangible medium if we have begun performance and you have given your express prior consent for us to perform the contract immediately before the cooling-off period has expired and you acknowledge that you will lose your right of withdrawal if delivery of the digital content has begun.

Article 7 - Delivery and execution
The entrepreneur will take the utmost care in receiving and carrying out orders for products and in assessing applications for the provision of services.
The place of delivery is the address that the consumer has made known to the entrepreneur.
Subject to what is stated in Article 4 of these general conditions, the entrepreneur accepted orders expeditiously but not later than 30 days, unless a different delivery has been agreed. If the delivery has been delayed, or if an order cannot be filled or can be filled only partially, the consumer will be informed about this within 30 days after he has placed the order. The consumer in that case has the right to terminate the contract without penalty and the right to any compensation.
The risk of damage and / or loss of products rests with the entrepreneur until the time of delivery to the consumer or a pre-designated and the entrepreneur announced representative, unless otherwise expressly agreed.